Wing to Wing – Air Combat in China, 1943-45
Orion Books (1990)
207 Pages / 46 photos
$30.00 (including postage)
ISBN 0-517-57568-X
Purchase: A limited number of copies are available from the author at $30.00 each (including postage)
This is the complete history of the extraordinary Chinese-American Composite Wing, from its first day in training to its final mission in China at the end of World War II. After leading the Allied air war in China at the start of the war, General Claire L. Chennault convinced Washington to expand his combat forces by forming the CACW, in which American pilots would fly wing to wing with pilots of the Chinese Air Force. During the last two years of the war, flying American built P-40 and P-51 fighters and B-25 bombers, combat crews of the CACW battered the Japanese on the ground and in the air from one end of occupied China to the other. By the end of the war, eight CACW fighter pilots had achieved ace status by shooting down five or more enemy aircraft.
“Based entirely on original research, this volume contains much valuable new material about an overlooked corner of the air war.” - Air Classics magazine